NYT > Adultery

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What Can Stop Your Spouse from Cheating?

Cheating can be caused by so many reasons that it would need a careful analysis of one’s particular situation to find the most suitable solution or preventive action.  Men cheat because of lack of passion and support in a relationship, chronic cheating behavior which can be influenced by family or peers, anger with spouse, or even sex addiction.  Women usually cheat because of lack of attention, intimacy and passion from their partners.  They can also be attracted by wealth, physical looks and promise of excitement.  A woman’s lack of self-esteem can also cause her to cheat.

Whatever the situation, cheating can still be prevented when spouses are willing enough to work at it instead of putting everything at the mercy of fate.  Humans have never been known to be perfect and are susceptible to temptations even in the most ideal situations.  Imagine the pressure therefore on those involved in unhappy marriages.  Confronted with opportunities, men and women alike may not be strong enough to pass up a chance for infidelity.
Stopping a possible and actual cheating spouse can be done but only through the active participation of the other.  There is no room for complete laxity in relationships just because people are married.  Marriage has not stopped many people from violating vows and promises made.  When thinking about preventing the occurrence of cheating, no one can escape possible culpability in contributing to the problem.

Problems in marriage that lead to infidelity are equally caused by what has been done and what has been failed to be done for the relationship.  Sometimes, cheaters are not pushed to infidelity by a single reason but by a combination of reasons that have become unbearable.  Most find their escape in cheating which is not exactly a solution to the problem, but an escape just the same for the cheater.

Spouses should constantly work on their relationship by providing support, attention, intimacy and excitement within.  The surest way to stop cheating as brought upon by the lack of these marital components is to provide them so that partners will not look for them somewhere else.  Once found in someone else’s arms, it might be very difficult to sever emotions and attachments formed.  Showing appreciation for the other fulfills a continuing need of every person to feel needed and wanted in spite of personal limitations.  This includes appreciation for physical looks, achievements however small and recognition of personal contributions to the family’s well-being.

Regardless of the realities of age, partners should strive to remain attractive to each other.  Showing interest on the other’s activities and interests will ensure that a spouse will not be left out from the other’s personal world.  A personal world without the presence of the spouse may be healthy in small dosages but is potentially disastrous when preferred more than usual.  When a person stops sharing the most important moments of his/her life to the spouse, it is a possible prelude to a future where the spouse will no longer have a space.

Doubting spouses should take care not to drive away their partner with unfounded suspicions.  These suspicions however should be addressed accordingly and not be allowed to fester unnecessarily.  Couples should talk with each other if they are to stand any chance against the threats of infidelity.

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