NYT > Adultery

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Female Unfaithfulness - 2 Very Important Questions!

Female unfaithfulness has always upset and astonished men. That is why there are “belts of faithfulness”, abundance of guards in harems and murders of wily cheaters. Below are an important and astonishing questions and answers. Can you believe it?

Question: How often average women cheat on her husband if, according to statistic, 11% of their children (every ninth child) were born not of their lawful father?

Answer: Actually, not that often: approximately every married woman has an affair 4-6 times.

Question: Then how come there are so many children fathered by a lover?

Answer: Some time ago, it was believed that it was easier for a woman to get pregnant by her husband. Gynecologists still agree to treat infertility only if a woman has been having sex with one partner for more than two years. But the latest studies revealed the astonishing news: the chances to get pregnant by a casual partner are much higher, even if it was just a one-night stand.

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