NYT > Adultery

Monday, April 25, 2011

When the Innocent Suffers

People caught in the ugly mess of spousal cheating and its consequences can sometimes get so engrossed with their own feelings that they forget that there are other people suffering with them. As they envelop themselves in their own sense of grief, guilt, anger and depression, their innocent children get to suffer as well. No one goes through infidelity completely unscathed.

Children get to have the front seats of the drama unfolding in their home. As the battle rages, specifically when a spouse is caught cheating on the other, every move made and every word spoken cuts through the young hearts and minds of these children who are not yet truly equipped to process what is happening. Things don't get better when a couple opts for divorce as children are forced to deal with the trauma of separation and the possibility of not getting to know one parent for a large part of their lives, if not never.

Having a broken family presents emotional, physical and psychological challenges that are not typically encountered by families who are together. In the case of parents who have sole responsibility of taking care of the children, the pressure to compensate for the absence of the other can be immense. Even in a shared custody scenario, there can be heavy pressure of having to deal with the irregular situation. If adults find it difficult both ways, imagine how difficult it is for the children who ordinarily have no say on the matter.

We have seen far too many stories of children gone astray because of their inability to handle the pressures of seeing their parents build individual and separate lives while caught in the middle. Fortunately, we have also witnessed the triumph of many who have gone through the same experience but managed to come better in spite of the great odds. Estranged couples need to look after the welfare of their children while dealing with their own pains so that the innocent do not become an unwilling collateral damage to marital infidelity.

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