Many cheaters get caught because they don't realize that cheating talks. It has its own language referred to as cheating body language. It reveals what is sought to be hidden. It shouts what the lips can only whisper.
Cheating spouses try their best to act as normal as possible and in doing so inadvertently call attention to the very lack of normalcy in their actions. A cheater when confronted acts on the defensive while a wrongly accused acts on the offensive when put to the test. Lying is a necessary component of cheating which manifests itself through body language.
A cheater is prone to the extremes. Either he/she is unable to make direct eye contact with the suspecting spouse or makes too much eye contact just to prove his/her innocence. Either an indirect answer is given or too much information is provided for simple questions asked from him/her in an effort to cover-up the real circumstances surrounding the real answer. Frequent unnecessary movements of the hands such as touching the face, throat, mouth, eyes, nose, and earlobes while talking with the doubting spouse connotes nervousness and discomfort.
Cheaters typically prefer to look to the side or position their bodies sideways because they are uncomfortable facing their accusers. Facial expressions also do not match what they are saying. Voice modulation is also widely observed among cheaters in their effort to mask real emotions. They also tend to talk faster than usual with a tendency to stutter which can also come with a hint of tremble in the voice. The face can also appear flushed.
Our bodies can betray our secrets. Sometimes, private investigators need not be employed to find out the truth about suspected spousal infidelity. Most of the time, the clues are just right there for the picking.