Entering a serious relationship such as marriage requires a certain degree of faith to hope that two people who may come from different sides of the world and brought up in entirely different environments can ever succeed in staying together as a married couple. Difficult? - Yes!Possible? - Yes!
It is a mistake to think that couples who end up being together for a long time, if not for the rest of their lives, are those that did not encounter problems in their marriages. There will be minor faults on both sides and there will be major mistakes along the way. There will only be one thing that can save marriages through these crucial times and that is forgiveness.
In spousal infidelity, the road to redemption for both the cheater and the cheated lies in the act of accepting the mistake, being sorry for it, and obtaining forgiveness for it. This seemingly simple act of forgiving transgressions provides the relationship a fighting chance to succeed. Without it, bitterness prevails and separation follows.
Married couples need not be extraordinarily religious to realize that their being together serves a specific purpose not only for themselves but to the society as well. Trying to overcome difficulties together is an expected and integral part of forming life as a couple. Respecting the sanctity of the vow is an essential component of true commitment.
Redemption always comes at the end and never at the beginning. Lessons are learned after the mistake and not before. The lessons of infidelity are best taken to heart so that the same pain will never have to be undergone more than once, if at all. Being able to go through spousal infidelity and survive it to become a better person is in itself a redemption.
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