We would like to believe that people in power would know that they have more than a fair share of the good things in life in terms of prestige, money, family, and opportunities. We would also like to think that they would consider a number of times before engaging in acts of infidelity since they stand to lose more because of having so much. Herein lies the paradox of power itself. Contrary to providing contentment, power breeds hunger for more up until the time when they think they can get away with anything.
Famous powerful men who have fallen from public grace due to discovered infidelity have recently been seen making their highly publicized confessions in front of the media. Most would have their staple "prop" of a loyal wife standing beside them in times of great marital trouble. Others just had to do their public confession on their own without the benefit of a wife's support. With or without the presence of the faithful wife, both are largely perceived as calculated moves to salvage the cheater's remaining reputation for some other future purpose.
We haven't seen many famous unfaithful wives publicly confessing their indiscretion with or without their respective loyal husbands beside them. This is not to say that powerful women are immune from the call of infidelity. It's either that males still hold majority of the positions of power or female counterparts hide their affairs better.
It is with much perplexity that I watch these powerful people reveal their wrongdoings and see the persons and things they stand to lose at the same time. Many people would do and give anything to be in their privileged positions and would move heaven and earth to have access to opportunities given them. Power can make people forget that they too are subject to the standards of society.
Famous powerful men who have fallen from public grace due to discovered infidelity have recently been seen making their highly publicized confessions in front of the media. Most would have their staple "prop" of a loyal wife standing beside them in times of great marital trouble. Others just had to do their public confession on their own without the benefit of a wife's support. With or without the presence of the faithful wife, both are largely perceived as calculated moves to salvage the cheater's remaining reputation for some other future purpose.
We haven't seen many famous unfaithful wives publicly confessing their indiscretion with or without their respective loyal husbands beside them. This is not to say that powerful women are immune from the call of infidelity. It's either that males still hold majority of the positions of power or female counterparts hide their affairs better.
It is with much perplexity that I watch these powerful people reveal their wrongdoings and see the persons and things they stand to lose at the same time. Many people would do and give anything to be in their privileged positions and would move heaven and earth to have access to opportunities given them. Power can make people forget that they too are subject to the standards of society.