In what part of the universe can a cheated wife and her husband's mistress take the same side against the cheating husband? Although generally believed as highly unlikely to happen, this impossibility can indeed come true. This is when these two women find out that they are both being lied to by the same man.
The cheated wife can be the typical trusting spouse who allows her husband a reasonable amount of freedom and leeway in the relationship. The mistress on the other hand, can also be the equally trusting woman who have no idea whatsoever of her status as the other woman in her man's life. The time spent away from both of them to be with the other have been strategically explained by the cheating man to their mutual satisfaction. Everything seems to be going as planned by the man. The only problem that remains is when the women find out about his infidelity.
Remember the saying: Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Hell indeed may break loose when these two cheated women connive and take revenge. After enjoying the convenience of having two women attending to his needs, he'll be lucky to end up with one after the confrontation.
There are many cases that have been reported of physical violence inflicted on the cheating man. Some have been subjected to humiliating situations which are not easily forgotten. Others who are luckier just have to contend with an angry wife and a lost mistress.
Most often than not, it is the cheated wife who remains to stand by her husband's side after all the anger and shock have died down. This is quite natural because of their legal relationship which is not automatically terminated with an illicit act of one. A mistress who previously didn't know of her status as the other woman usually decides to leave since she never signed up for such a position in the first place. She knows she is better off without him to be able to start anew. Whatever these two women eventually decide to do, they are one in saying that they cannot be both wives to the same man.
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