Men have traditionally lorded it over when it comes to infidelity statistics. This fact has been largely attributed to the opportunities for cheating presented to them in the workplace as compared to women who mostly stayed at home to take care of the children and manage the household. With the equal career opportunities being currently given to both genders, women appear to be making a statement as well with regards to their participation in acts of infidelity.
While traditional statistical data would show an 80-20 ratio in favor of the men, more recent data tend to show that women's call for equality seem to be extending even to this aspect of living. A 55-45 ratio still in favor of the men shows how much times have changed given the very small difference. This just goes to show that anyone who believes he/she has reason to cheat and given the "right" opportunity to do so will cheat.
The marked difference in the way the respective genders carry out their infidelity is worth looking into. Men are more inclined towards serial cheating which is having successive or simultaneous affairs while married. Women on the other hand, are especially notorious with long-term affairs because of the usual emotional ties that develop.
So much has been said about why men cheat or why women cheat when we should be thinking about why do human beings cheat. We can come up with a long list of reasons, some valid and some are not but we would always end up looking into the main culprit which is unfulfilled need. The wedding is not the end of the work required in the marriage. In fact, it only signals the beginning of what would be a lifetime work to maintain and honor a commitment.
Needs can vary. They can be physical, emotional, intellectual, psychological or a combination of these. Every marriage is bound to reach a point where spousal needs are not being met. These needs have to be recognized and addressed between spouses and within the relationship. The solution is never found outside. Infidelity is palliative and will not provide the permanent solution to the problem.
My husband and i got Married last year and we have been living happily for a while. We used to be free with everything and never kept any secret from each other until recently everything changed when he got a new Job in NewYork 2 months ago.He has been avoiding my calls and told me he is working,i got suspicious when i saw a comment of a woman on his Facebook Picture and the way he replied her. I asked my husband about it and he told me that she is co-worker in his organization,We had a big argument and he has not been picking my calls,this went on for long until one day i decided to notify my friend about this and that was how she introduced me to Mr James(Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com) a Private Investigator who helped her when she was having issues with her Husband. I never believed he could do it but until i gave him my husbands Mobile phone number. He proved to me by hacking into my husbands phone. where i found so many evidence and proof in his Text messages, Emails and pictures that my husband has an affairs with another woman.i have sent all the evidence to our lawyer.I just want to thank Mr James for helping me because i have all the evidence and proof to my lawyer,I Feel so sad about infidelity.
ReplyDeleteIf you know you not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating wife , i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to a Private Investigator Mr James . I told him about my situation and He understood me well and helped me spy on my wife.He hacked my wifes Gmail and Facebook account and linked all her WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth.I saw all the evidence and i was heart Broken,I just want to openly say thank you to James for helping me get evidence against her,i feel so hurt. If you need help please contact him Mr James (Worldcyberhackers@gmail.com) via Email.
ReplyDeleteMy boyfriend has been cheating on me for months and I had no idea, I searched all over to get help spying his phone but I didn't. I finally found a reliable hacker to help and I strongly recommend worldcyberhackers@gmail.com to anyone who needs help spying their partner. I was able to access his phone contents without touching and It literally worked without traces. Don't hesitate to message worldcyberhackers@gmail.com if you need help with hacking and spying