A cheating spouse who claims that his/her cheating ways is nothing personal in relation to the partner may actually be on to something. People who experience manic behavior with regards to sexual aggression may be unable to control their impulse which is usually manifested through habitual cheating. This is also referred to as bipolar infidelity.
Bipolar infidelity stems from a medical condition that is associated with hypersexuality resulting to impaired judgment when faced with the opportunity to cheat. The opportunity can either be purposely sought by the cheater or presented by chance. Either way, the cheater will find it impossible to resist cheating.
Anyone married to a person afflicted with this condition will find the situation difficult even if there is truth to the claim that the cheating being done is not intentional. The offense however, does not become less personal because of the very sensitive issues attached to it. It is quite understandable when faithful spouses in such a situation eventually give up because of the extraordinary demands made on them to support their cheating spouses in spite of the extreme pain brought about by infidelity.
A faithful spouse who decides to stick it out with a cheating partner dealing with manic behavior can only see a semblance of light at the end of the tunnel when the cheater cooperates towards correcting the behavior. Cooperation will include the serious efforts of the cheater to get well and stay well such as active participation in the treatment regime . Anything short of these efforts is unacceptable towards the goal of repairing a broken marriage even if infidelity is nothing personal to the cheater.
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