We are all familiar with the pain brought upon by gossip, whether true or false. Cheating gossip is especially hurtful because it can destroy a relationship that affects the lives of not only two people but the lives of the people important to them as well. Discussions of possible infidelity are especially juicy when the personalities involved are known to rumor-mongers since the gossip automatically represents a face.
This is the reason why gossips come alive in offices, neighborhoods, organizations, and social circles. Sometimes it is true that the subjects bring the wrath of gossip upon themselves by their careless actions. It is very difficult for onlookers not to give malice to actions and words that have clearly gone overboard the accepted social standards.
Protestations of innocence is most often not enough if actions go against the words. When a man and woman married to other people choose to forge a special bond between them that can easily be interpreted as more than friendship, they invite the accusations, the malice, and of course, the cheating gossip. Adults are expected to act responsibly so as not to provide a reason for gossip to begin.
That said, responsible adults are likewise expected to know that participating in gossip does not hold promise of any good result. Gossip has destroyed a lot of relationships that should not have been destroyed in the first place. Cheating gossips can be initiated by another person due to anger, jealousy, and other personal reasons to exact vengeance for a reason totally unrelated to infidelity. It would help to remember that the damage that results from unfounded gossip never gets completely erased and this has caused many individuals to suffer unfairly for a considerable length of time.