The fiercest competition of any cheated wife for the affection of her husband is always the other woman. It is to her best interest then to remove the competition in her own turf to get back her own husband. There is no better time for the wife to make her move than when her husband is still living with her notwithstanding the existing relationship of her husband with the other woman. In this way, the wife does not have to invent reasons to have continuous communication with her husband since they are technically still living together.
In removing the competition, the wife has to come out as the better woman and this is not an easy thing to do especially under the circumstances. The first reaction of most women is to show their claws of anger and hatred. While this is most natural, cheating husbands can use it to justify their infidelity. If a woman is dead-set on keeping her husband, further alienation might not cut it.
Since the competition in marriage is also a woman, the wife has access to the same "weapons" as the other woman. There are basicaly three things that a wife can look into improving - her looks, her attitude , and the home's atmosphere. The wife has an advantage over the other woman in knowing the man better.
The wife should know what her husband finds physically attractive as she's been there and only needs to recapture it. A nagging, indifferent or complaining woman is not exactly the picture of a wife a man looks forward to seeing everyday. Neither does a man want to come home to an unwelcoming wife and family. The home must be seen as a place of refuge and not a battlefield.
Does this mean that a woman has to simply accept her husband's cheating and exert all the efforts to keep her man? A cheated woman doesn't have to and can choose to leave if she wants. For a woman who seeks to keep her husband, some compromises are inevitable. The wife just needs to determine if her cheating husband and their marriage is worth all the trouble she is going through. The other woman loses her relevance when the same things she offers are offered by the wife, and that is no small task to accomplish.
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