"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."
So goes the usual marriage vows taken by newlyweds when they decide to start spending the rest of their lives together, but parting for many came way ahead of death. Many marriages encountered challenges and never recovered. One of the main culprits is marital infidelity.
With the rising trend of people opting to escape a marriage at the slightest inconvenience, marriages are no longer given the same opportunity to survive as before. Lapses in behavior, appearance, and everyday abilities are being used as reasons to look for another. For many, it is time to find a better partner when the spouse fails to live up to expectations. The process becomes painfully similar to discarding old possessions that no longer serve their purpose.
Marriages after infidelity are never the same. Couples are forced to reckon with sustained instability brought about by a lost sense of trust. Failure to find the working middle-ground between reconciling couples opens up the possibility of divorce. Many uttered the same marital vows and never thought that infidelity would cause them to part ways with their partners.
The marital vow reminds us that marriage will not always be happy and smooth as it mentions extreme conditions that could put any relationship to the real test. Having a cheating spouse will probably fall under the "worse" part but can be overcome when truthfully desired by both concerned. The willingness to work together against all possible obstacles in marriage is the only thing that can assure that a couple fulfills their vow to separate only because of death.