Is there really such a thing as being too beautiful to be cheated on? It is so easy to believe that being physically endowed will protect you from being a victim of infidelity. But guess what? Even the most beautiful beings in this world will find themselves facing the pain brought upon by a cheating spouse by their own fault or their spouses'.
We would think that a spouse of a physically beautiful or handsome person will have nothing else to look for in a relationship. Humans have many kinds of needs to be truly satisfied and that holds true for everybody. In the long run, a relationship cannot go on based on physical attraction alone.
When we hear about exceptionally beautiful people being cheated by their usually average-looking spouses, we are incredulous. How did the cheating spouse fail to see that he/she is lucky enough to be married to a prize catch? We are even more incredulous when we see the mistress or the lover turning out to be less than average-looking or the exact opposite of the cheated spouse.
Many psychologists have tried to explain this phenomena by a basic human frailty - insecurity. Being married to the best and the "mostest" in all aspects puts so much pressure on the spouse who is perceived to be of lesser physical endowment. In such insecurity, he/she tends to jump the gun on the spouse because of an unspoken belief that the beautiful spouse will sooner or later find a better partner more suited to his/her stature.
Other cheating spouses find out soon enough that there is more to marriage than a beautiful spouse. In trying to fill in the lack, many will cheat but will keep the beautiful spouse because of a selfish pride of maintaining a certain stature. Physical beauty alone will not exempt anyone from facing infidelity.