When you are right there at the moment of discovery that your spouse cheated on you, you are literally choking on feelings that can never be aptly described in words. You feel betrayed, humiliated, laughed at, and discarded. All those little clues came flashing back, one after the other, in the very same way described by those who had near-death experiences, except that they saw milestones in their lives while you saw carefully hidden signs of cheating.
It was a time when the word happiness had an empty meaning. You tell yourself it was not your fault but then you ask again and felt maybe it was. You look for things to occupy your mind and then wonder what for. You try to be happy and you say why bother. You felt so lonely because your happiness depended on another person who is now gone.
This is one scenario faced by people who have been cheated on. After being robbed of happiness by a cheating partner, they further deprive themselves of the opportunity to bring back that happiness. Believe it or not, achieving happiness after infidelity is as real as can be.
Like all other paths to recovery, it would need the participation of the people concerned to make it work. True happiness per se remains an elusive dream for most human beings because of the conditions we set on ourselves to be happy. I can only be happy if... I will no longer be lonely when... I cannot be happy because...We make it so difficult for ourselves to be happy that we almost always succeed in making our lives more miserable.
More than the happiness of finding a new man is the joy of finding a new and better man. More than the sense of accomplishment in making it on one's own is the sense of gratitude in being released from a life of doubt and lies. Yes, there is happiness after infidelity.